Auction will start at 06:00 am again from calendar week 28

2 July 2020

Starting on Monday, 6 July 2020, the auction of cut flowers and potted plants at Veiling Rhein-Maas will begin at 06:00 am again as usual. After a detailed analysis and an optimisation of the entire auction process with six active auction clocks during the previous conversion phase, we have decided to return to the regular auction start in calendar week 28.

Conversion of auction clock front successful so far
The modernisation of auction clock 1 and 2 went according to plan. The two clocks that have been equipped with LED technology will presumably be able to run productively again as of next Monday, 6 July 2020. In the further course of calendar week 28, the conversion works will be continued and the modernisation of auction clock 7 and 8 will start.

We thank you for the understanding you have already shown concerning this major modernisation project at Veiling Rhein-Maas. Our aim is to continue the rapid modernisation of the auction clock front and to keep the restrictions for our customers as minimal as possible.

You can follow the progress of the modernisation of the auction clock front here.