Social Media and other sales promotion

24 June 2020

As a supplier of Veiling Rhein-Maas, you can choose between different sales promotion activities. Increase the awareness of the auction’s customers for your products and use one of the following options. Please keep on reading for further information.

Social Media
We highlight the products that are exhibited in our foyer on the official Instagram account of Veiling Rhein-Maas, which we use to inform, inspire and connect. The account enjoys growing popularity amongst customers, suppliers and other interested parties. Even customers that are not physically present at the auction will see your products and get an impression of what is currently happening at the marketplace in Straelen-Herongen.

E-mail newsletter
Furthermore, you have the opportunity to present your products or your company to the customers of the auction in our weekly ‘Aktuell’ E-mail newsletter. If you want to receive the ‘Aktuell’ or other E-mail newsletters of the auction, please subscribe here.

You can also speak to your contact person in the Assortment and Import Management if you want to exhibit your products in the foyer, promote them via social media or include them in our ‘Aktuell’ E-mail newsletter.